Avast ye Buckos!


This is First Born/First Mate Sailor Ryan O!  ...and I am the Capt'n of the ss dink "Brakin' Wind"!  But that is my side job - my main job has been First Mate of the S/V Second Wind...


Boy did I luck out!  I came out to sunny SoCal to visit my grandmother and I got out there just as my sailor dad - Capt'n Ricko - had gotten the boat together and was "chomping at the bit" to get out to the islands on his new vessel!  He was still working on the boat, and Sailor Sloop John B had escaped to East Tennessee the week before... S S John B was supposed to go sailing - but the boat wasn't ready... even SugarBabe had come out for a couple weeks and left without going sailing - like Capt'n Ricko had promised her - and returned home empty-handed the day before I arrived!


But me... I showed up at just the right time... didn't have to toil on the boat like all the other crew... and within a few days - I'm off on a great sailing adventure!  At first I was worried about "fourteen days at sea"... but in the end I found I could have gone longer!  ...it was definitely hard to leave sailing life, and return to Kentucky, after those great days at sea - aboard the S/V Second Wind!


Well, now, as of 2014, I have relocated from the Bluegrass State of Kentucky - to SoCal...  so my next sailing adventure is calling!  


Well that's all fer now Buckos!


Fair Winds and Following Seas to ye!


First Mate Sailor Ryan O